This is an animated presentation Maze Template toolkit. This template has a slide deck of 13 pre-designed and animated maze layouts. The template slides in this toolkit are meant to be copied from this PowerPoint template and added to an existing presentation slide deck. Use these maze ppt template slides as a visual aid to display data for business strategy, corporate strategy, problem-solving or reaching a goal. Element colors in this presentation theme can be all be changed by editing the PowerPoint Theme Colors.
This is an animated presentation Maze Template toolkit. This template has a slide deck of 13 pre-designed and animated maze layouts. The template slides in this toolkit are meant to be copied from this PowerPoint template and added to an existing presentation slide deck. Use these maze ppt template slides as a visual aid to display data for business strategy, corporate strategy, problem-solving or reaching a goal. Element colors in this presentation theme can be all be changed by editing the PowerPoint Theme Colors.